Dear Crofters, I've just found out the following via Facebook: Avoid Kenyon Lane between the Plough and Tunnel Top. Warrington Borough Council haven't gritted the whole of Kenyon, and there is...
Annual Crime and Community Survey from Neighbourhood Watch
We are delighted to invite you to take part in our annual Crime and Community survey. The survey is in its fourth year, and we want to hear your views on crime, community, and your experience of...
Commissioner’s Community Action Fund
Five weeks tomorrow until this closes again: Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer has reopened his Community Action Fund, enabling local projects across the county to apply for funding. The...
WBC Polling Districts and Polling Places Review 2023
Dear Crofters, Please see enclosed link:...
WBC Traffic Notice re: Cross Lane (1st Notice)
Cross Lane, Croft - POD - 1st...
WBC Traffic Notice re: Winwick Lane (2nd Notice)
Winwick Lane, Croft - POD - 2nd...
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022-23
Notice of Conclusion of Audit...
Macmillan Coffee Morning
4-poster for...
Emergency Traffic Order from WBC re: Sandy Brow Lane
Sandy Brow Lane - 5 day Notice - POD -...
2023/00201/FULM – Heathcroft Stud, 18 Deacons Close, Croft, WA3 7EN
Dear Crofters, The parish council recently received an amendment to the above planning application for the proposed Deacons Close development. Any comments are to be submitted by 30th August. ...