Dear Crofters,
Please see message below from Cheshire Police about policing in your area.
Have your say on policing in your area.
It is important to us that we know about the issues that cause you concern. We have set up a survey where can tell us about the things you would like us to focus on in your area.
Please visit > then select Poplars and Hulme.
If you are unsure of the area you are on visit Your area | Cheshire Constabulary
Here you will be asked questions such as how the police are doing in your community, how safe you feel in the day and at night and what should the police deal with as a priority in your area.
This is definitely worth completing as your local beat team monitor the results and take action on the responses that we get.
Whether it be drugs use happening in the area, parking issues, whatever it may be let us know on the survey.