
Message from Cheshire Police re: Vehicle Security

Dear Resident,

Car theft is a serious crime that causes significant distress and upset to owners. We want to help prevent this and so encourage drivers to consider the following advice and guidance:

  • Try and park in well lit, busier areas. If you are using a car park, look for a site that is ‘Park Mark’ accredited.
  • When parking at home, you can further protect keyless or higher value vehicles by blocking them in or using collapsible bollards.
  • Remove valuables from your vehicle. Items should be removed, or hidden out of sight, even a few coins can be worth it to a thief.
  • Always lock your vehicle and close the windows and sunroof when the vehicle is left unattended to help prevent an opportunist thief.
  • Fitting a Sold Secure steering wheel, gear lever or clutch pedal security device
    will give you added protection.
  • Devices can be used to jam the signal from your key. Manually check your vehicle has locked before walking away.
  • Keep keys in a safe place. Thieves can retrieve keys through your letterbox. Keep keys out of sight and away from doors and windows.
  • Thieves can intercept the signal from your key from a few meters away. You should keep all keys well away from the car, put keys in a signal blocking pouch (faraday pouch) and if you can, turn off wireless signals on your fob when not in use.
  • Remember to reprogramme keys if buying a second-hand car.Remember, thieves need either the original car keys or access to your keyless signal to steal your vehicle.  If this means committing a burglary to obtain the keys, they will, so make sure you follow our advice on keeping your home safe by visiting – Crime prevention advice | Cheshire Constabulary.

    We hope this helps.

    Crime Prevention Team