
Residents In Warrington Invited To Quiz Commissioner and Chief Constable on Police Budget

Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, and Chief Constable Mark Roberts will be holding an online public engagement event for residents of Warrington.
Warrington residents are invited to submit their questions about the police budget for 2022/23, which proposes an extra 120 officers and 63 frontline support staff for the Constabulary to support communities across the county.
The event will be held via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 12th January from 19:00–20:30.
If you would like to attend, please email your name, postcode, and question for the Commissioner or Chief Constable to:
Registration for the session will close at 23:59 on Tuesday 11th January.
The link to join the event will be emailed to attendees shortly before the start time.