
WBC Update re Industrial Action

Strike action will cause disruption until Monday 20 November.

The current bin strike will end on Monday 6 November, with a third strike taking place Wednesday 8 November to Monday 20 November.

A third round of bin strikes has been set for Wednesday 8 November to Monday 20 November by UNITE. We continue to call on the trade union to immediately cancel its plans to conduct its unnecessary strike action.

Following a national meeting of the three trade unions on Wednesday 1 November – GMB, UNISON and UNITE – there was an agreement to accept the national pay offer. This offer will give our waste collection loaders and drivers a pay increase of between 7.6% and 8.6%, depending on their role.

We therefore see no basis or need for there to be any further strike action.

Striking until Monday 20 November, despite previous strike action having been on the basis of the national pay dispute, is a disproportionate measure that will continue to severely impact our residents and businesses.

We call on UNITE to cancel their strike and to meet with us to discuss any issues, alongside the other trade unions, as is entirely appropriate and in-keeping with our normal processes.

Bin collections on Tuesday 7 November

We are hopeful that on Tuesday 7 November we will be able to send bin crews out. Crews will focus on the collection of black and blue bins for those households who normally have their bins emptied on Tuesdays. If this applies to you, please leave your black and blue bins out.

We appreciate and regret that many other households, who do not normally have their bins collected on Tuesdays, will not have their bins emptied on Tuesday 7 November.

We understand that given the prolonged and unsettled period caused by the bin strikes, green and blue bins have remained unemptied for several weeks.

How you can help

Use our recycling centres

You can continue to use our community recycling centres, which have extended opening hours.

Separate your recycling into cardboardglass bottles and jarstin cans and recyclable plastic to make it easy for you once you get to the recycling centre.

Woolston community recycling centre

8am – 6pm, Monday to Sunday (extended hours)

Gatewarth community recycling centre

8am – 6pm,  Monday to Sunday (extended hours)

Stockton Heath community recycling centre

9am – 4pm, Monday to Sunday (extended hours)

You should also

  • Flatten any household waste before putting it in the bin so that you can fit more in (but make sure not to pack waste in too tightly that it risks not being able to be emptied properly)
  • Talk to your neighbours about sharing bin space so all bins are filled
  • If you have the space and your bin is full, keep your recycling waste indoors

Bin strike FAQs

Who is striking?

Members of the Trade Union UNITE are striking in Warrington as part of a national pay dispute.

When does the strike action end?

The second wave of strike action runs from Tuesday 24 October until Monday 6 November, with a third strike taking place Wednesday 8 November to Monday 20 November.

Why can’t I check my bin collection date/report a missed bin online?

We have removed these pages on our website where you can normally check when your bin is due to be emptied or report a missed bin to us. This is so people won’t get confused and we will reinstate these pages after the strike action finishes.

Will I get a refund on my council tax because my household waste/recycling bin has not been emptied?

We understand that not having your household waste or recycling bins emptied is frustrating.

That being said, council tax is and remains a tax. That means households legally have to pay their council tax bill, even if services are disrupted, or even if people don’t use certain services. A mechanism for this type of refund does not exist.

We are working on plans to make sure that a waste and recycling catch-up operation happens after the strike action.

I am a garden waste subscriber, what will happen with these collection?

We will be in touch with our garden waste subscribers in due course.

I am a commercial waste subscriber, what will happen with these collections?

We will be in touch with our commercial waste subscribers to offer updates directly.

Can you pay agency staff to empty the bins?

By law, we are banned from paying agency workers to cover the duties performed by a worker who is taking part in a strike. This prevents us from employing agency workers to cover the duties of employees on strike.